How to Pay NHIF via M-Pesa: A Quick and Easy Guide


Paying your NHIF contributions through M-Pesa offers a convenient and efficient way to ensure your health insurance coverage remains up-to-date. In this guide, we’ll provide you with a simple step-by-step process on how to pay NHIF via M-Pesa, so you can easily manage your health insurance payments.

Step-by-Step Guide to Paying NHIF via M-Pesa:

  1. Open M-Pesa Menu:
    • On your mobile phone, open the M-Pesa menu by dialing *150#.
  2. Select “Pay Bill”:
    • From the M-Pesa menu, select the “Pay Bill” option.
  3. Enter NHIF Paybill Number:
    • Enter the NHIF Paybill number: 200222.
  4. Enter Your NHIF Account Number:
    • Your NHIF account number is your National ID number. Enter it carefully.
  5. Enter Amount:
    • Enter the amount you want to pay towards your NHIF contribution.
  6. Enter M-Pesa PIN:
    • Input your M-Pesa PIN to authorize the payment.
  7. Confirm and Complete Payment:
    • Review the payment details, ensuring all information is accurate.
  8. Receipt and Confirmation:
    • You will receive a confirmation message from M-Pesa indicating that your payment to NHIF was successful.

Important Tips:

  1. Use Correct Account Number: Ensure your NHIF account number (National ID number) is entered accurately to avoid payment errors.
  2. Sufficient M-Pesa Balance: Make sure you have enough funds in your M-Pesa account to cover the NHIF contribution.
  3. Immediate Payment Confirmation: You should receive a confirmation message from both M-Pesa and NHIF shortly after making the payment.


Paying NHIF via M-Pesa is a convenient way to ensure your health insurance contributions are up-to-date. By following our step-by-step guide, you can easily make your NHIF payments from the comfort of your mobile phone. Always double-check your NHIF account number and M-Pesa PIN to ensure accuracy, and enjoy the hassle-free process of managing your health insurance payments.

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