Simple Hack to Load KPLC Tokens Using a Different Meter: Step-by-Step Guide


With the prevalence of KPLC prepaid systems, managing electricity consumption has become easier for Kenyan households. Learn a simple hack to load KPLC tokens using a different meter in case of emergencies:

  1. Purchase Your KPLC Tokens: Buy token units through the official KPLC prepaid paybill number 888880 or alternative KPLC paybill numbers.
  2. Identify Meter Sharing the Same Phase: Approach a neighbor or someone within the same floor to find a meter sharing the same phase as yours.
  3. Input Pairing Code: Use the pairing code 59698686 to establish a connection between your Customer Interface Unit (CIU) and the prepaid meter system.
  4. Enter Your Meter Number: After entering the pairing code, input your meter number to ensure the purchased tokens are credited to your account.
  5. Enter Purchased Token Digits: Input the token digits you purchased earlier to reload your electricity units. If successful, your lights should be restored.
  6. Re-Input Pairing Code: Once again, input the pairing code 59698686 to finalize the connection.
  7. Input Neighbor’s Meter Number: Enter your neighbor’s meter number to prevent your account from receiving tokens purchased by your neighbor.

With these simple steps, you can quickly load KPLC tokens using a different meter during emergencies, ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply when facing meter malfunctions.

ALSO READ;  How to Buy KPLC Tokens via SMS: A Step-by-Step Guide