How to Check KPLC Meter Registration Details: A Comprehensive Guide


To ensure a smooth KPLC meter allocation process, it’s essential to verify your registration details. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check your KPLC meter registration details using the KPLC self-service portal:

  1. Access the KPLC Self-Service Portal: Log in to your KPLC self-service account using your registered credentials.
  2. View Available Accounts: Upon login, the main window will display a list of all your available accounts.
  3. Check Meter Number: To identify your meter number, navigate to column 5 of the displayed information. Various prepaid meter types have specific codes for this purpose.
  4. Verify Meter Location: Locate the meter location provided during your KPLC electricity connection application. This information can be found in column 3.
  5. Review Account Balance: There are two methods to check your KPLC account balance. You can use the ‘bill/meter query’ menu or check the details of your last KPLC token. Alternatively, find this information in column 9.
  6. Identify Meter Owner: Review the details of the meter owner, typically the applicant whose information was captured and verified during the application process. This can be found in column 2.

By following these simple steps, you can effortlessly access and review your KPLC meter registration details, ensuring accuracy and transparency in your electricity connection process.

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