Kasaka Loans Zambia – How to Apply for Instant Cash


Kasaka Loans in Zambia, offered in collaboration with MTN and Jumo, provide a quick and convenient way to access instant cash through your MTN mobile money wallet. Whether you need funds day or night, Kasaka Loans are easily accessible. Here’s how to apply:

Applying for Kasaka Loans in Zambia:

  1. Access Your SIM Toolkit: You can apply for Kasaka Loans directly from your mobile phone’s SIM Toolkit. You don’t necessarily need a smartphone to access this service.
  2. Select Loans: From the SIM Toolkit menu, navigate to the “Loans” section. This is where you’ll find the option to apply for Kasaka Loans.
  3. Choose Kongola: Within the Loans section, select “Kongola.” This is where you’ll find information about and access to Kasaka Loans.
  4. Apply for the Loan: Here, you’ll be presented with the option to apply for a Kasaka loan. The loan amount you qualify for at that moment will be displayed. You can choose to apply for the displayed amount.
  5. Receive Funds: If your loan application is approved, the loan amount will be deposited directly into your MTN mobile money wallet. This process is swift, ensuring you get access to the funds you need promptly.

Repaying Kasaka Loans:

Repaying Kasaka Loans is hassle-free, as the loan amount is deducted directly from your MTN mobile money wallet balance. Here’s how it works:

  • Ensure you have sufficient funds in your MTN mobile money wallet during the scheduled loan repayment time.
  • MTN will automatically deduct the loan amount from your wallet balance. You don’t need to initiate the repayment manually; it happens seamlessly.
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Kasaka Loans in Zambia offer instant access to cash, making them a convenient solution for various financial needs. The straightforward application process through the SIM Toolkit and automatic repayments simplify the borrowing experience.