How to stop Android apps running in the background


There are several ways to stop Android apps from running in the background:

  1. Use the “Battery” settings: Go to “Settings” > “Battery” > “Battery optimization” and tap on the app you want to stop. Then, select “Don’t optimize” or “All apps” and tap “Done”.
  2. Use the “Apps” settings: Go to “Settings” > “Apps” and tap on the app you want to stop. Then, tap on “Force stop” to stop the app from running in the background.
  3. Use a third-party task manager app: There are several apps available on the Google Play Store that can help you manage and stop apps from running in the background. These apps usually allow you to see a list of all running apps and stop them with a single tap.

Please note that some apps are designed to run in the background and may not be able to function properly if you stop them. For example, messaging apps and social media apps may need to run in the background to receive notifications and update your feed. In these cases, it’s best to allow the app to run in the background and only stop it if you are having issues with battery life or performance.

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