Life Post COVID-19 Recovery, Business and New Opportunities


Life post-covid-19 is more of a learning curve with lots of lessons and profound shifts to aid in the economic recovery. 

On an individual basis, life post-covid-19 still has a low turn and while most restrictions have been lifted and the covid-19 infections numbers going low by day, there’s still a reluctance to socialization, travel, working and even shopping.  

Companies and individuals are learning crucial lessons from the pandemic and working towards building resilience for the next crisis. Covid-19 drastically changed the way we live and work basically. There is a shift in the way we live, shop and even move around and chances are, these patterns are here with us for a long time.

There is also a noticeable degree of change on companies’ operations post pandemic. There is more working flexibility and most companies are inclining towards remote working to ensure seamless working.

When covid-19 hit the world in late 2019, nobody was prepared to see it last the period it has lasted and two years into it, we are more aware of the consequences. The pandemic brought – unexpected disruptions across all sectors that even the most sophisticated and teams with concrete crisis set ups were not prepared for.

Individuals are also more focused on their mental health awareness and wellbeing beyond work. While companies are slowly accepting the fact people can work from home and still deliver. They also more focused on cost reductions and investments and are constantly planning to take in certain areas to be stronger in the future or when such calamities come.

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Companies moved rapidly to deploy digital and automation technologies and have dramatically accelerating trends that were unfolding at a much slower pace pre-pandemic. From, work to shopping to entrainment everything seems to be taking a remote operation. There are more digital operation enablers that have further shifted consumer patterns.

Remote working for instance has been there for ages but very few companies had adopted it, on the contrary, they believed remote working promotes unproductivity. Especially for fulltime employees, only about five per cent of companies would allow remote working. Thanks to covid-19, remote working is at an all-time high.  Companies have further employed the right equipment and techniques to make remote working more seamless monitor projects progress in real-time. 

There’s lots of more opportunities and projections post pandemic and probably, if it all subsides, 2022 maybe all about advancements and growth. Let’s look at some of the business opportunities  post pandemic.

Business opportunities post pandemic

Businesses from all over have been rethinking crisis response to emerge stronger from disruption. Although the covid-19 crisis has had a major hit on business, there are still more opportunities to aid in their recovery.  

Remote working for instance has opened opportunities for internet service providers, a service that wasn’t a basic need pre- pandemic.

There’s also a surge in demand for home office space to accommodate remote workers. People are moving from a normal small work station in their living room to a complete home office. This already is a new opening for home office service providers.

Another business opportunity that has a great potential post pandemic is drop shipping. While the governments have relaxed most of the covid-19 restrictions, individuals are still shy to make travel plans, or visit the malls for shopping.  After staying at home for almost a year, people no longer want to do shopping or go out easily as it used to be. Instead, they are more inclined on buying products from food stuff, to clothing and having them delivered at home.

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 A great way to capitalize on this shopping patterns is dropshipping and it doesn’t require any startup costs.

Airbnb services have become pro pandemic. People no longer want to spend their holidays in hotels rooms and most are looking for a home away from home experience even when holidaying. The process of staring your own Airbnb is effortless and can be done in such a short time. It’s entirely free to also list your home on Airbnb. Basically, if you have an extra bedroom in your house, you can monetize the space and become an Airbnb host.

What’s your business idea post pandemic? There’s no denying that the covid-19 has been more of an eye opener despite coming about as global crisis. There are so many opportunities that has stemmed as a result of the pandemic.