Senti Loan App Download; How to Register and Apply for Senti Loan


SENTI is a micro credit mobile app that makes it easy for people in Kenya to access a loan, anytime, anywhere. Complete the application process in seconds and receive your loan straight into your mobile money account. SENTI is like a bank in your pocket, always there for you. For more information click this link

How to Register for senti Loan facility

First for one to register, he or she must download the loan App. Click here to download the app or visit google play store. Once you have downloaded, you’ll be required to chose the email that will be used and then from there just follow few steps until you set your password.

The minimum amount that can be borrowed

The minimum amount you can borrow is Ksh.1500 and the maximum amount is dependent on your credit limit. The credit limit is the maximum amount of loan you qualify to borrow calculated based on how much you borrow through your account and how repay

Duration of Senti loan processing

Currently to process your loans it takes less than 24 hours. However, on average senti process loans in less than 3 hours and mechanism to reduce the process to a few minutes is underway.

How much to pay back

You will be required to pay the amount borrowed including interest charged. All payable within 30 days from the day of loan disbursement.

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