Are You Being Harassed By Loan Apps? Here’s How You Can File A Complaint!


It is no secret that mobile loans have over-taken the conventional modes of credit like the banks and Saccos.

Getting access to mobile credit nowadays is as easy as possessing a phone, being over 18 years with a valid national ID and also having registered to a mobile money service (mostly MPESA)Advertisements

However, the simplicity of acquiring such loans are usually tainted with the small disbursed loan amounts at abnormal interest rates and short repayment periods.

Consequently, this has led to majority of borrowers missing repayment dates and as a result facing the wrath of the lenders.

At times, some of these mobile lenders do not have reliable customer service contacts whereby to reach them in case of a query or complaint.

However, DLAK has some good news for borrowers who may be in such predicaments mentioned above.Advertisements

DLAK refers to the Digital Lenders Association Of Kenya which brings together the leading digital-first loan providers and associated stakeholders to facilitate mutual growth in the digital lending sector in Kenya.

It does so by setting ethical and professional standards in the industry by collaborating with policy makers and other stakeholders in addressing industry issues.

It also assists by contributing to knowledge and learning in-order to drive the overall growth of the digital lending and fintech sector in line with the Economic Pillar of the Vision 2030, MTP III and the Big Four Agenda.Advertisements

DLAK has launched a customer complaint portal whereby borrowers can air out their grievances and also serve the purpose of improving the mobile lending service and regulations.

To submit a complaint, head over to the DLAK website

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Once there, you will be required to give a brief description of your issue whereby it will be treated with strict confidentiality.Advertisements

Submissions require the complainant’s names, phone number, email, complaint, complainee and source of where you had about the DLAK complaint’s portal.

Once done, click on SUBMIT.


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