Meridian Hospital Branches and Contacts

Meridian Hospital
Meridian Hospital

Meridian Hospital maternity charges, services, contacts, address, location, gynaecologists, branches and many more just to make your research easier, quicker and informative.

Meridian Hospital is a great facility with professionals in a variety of fields. The hospital also has modern facilities. In addition, it has many branches all over. The main reason for its formation was to ensure that the society benefits totally in terms of good healthcare.

Meridian Health Group serves Kenya and East Africa with high-quality, cost-effective, and easily accessible health care.
Meridian Hospital is one of the market leaders in the provision of excellent, cost-effective, and accessible health care in Kenya and the East African area, with a developing country-wide network of one-stop medical facilities and hospitals.

1. Meridian Hospital Westlands

Meridian Hospital Westlands Contacts

Phone 1: 0722207623

Phone 2: 0709572000

Meridian Hospital Westlands Address

The Mall, Parklands/Highridge, Ring Rd Parklands, Nairobi.

Meridian Hospital Westlands Location

 The facility is located at The mall 2nd floor in westlands.

2. Meridian Hospital Kiserian

Meridian Hospital Kiserian Contacts

Phone: 0718798808

Meridian Hospital Kiserian Address

Magadi Rd, Kiserian

Meridian Hospital Kiserian Location

 The facility is located along Magadi road, kiserian in Ongata Rongai in Kajiado North.

3. Meridian Hospital Donholm

Meridian Hospital Donholm Contacts

You can reach Meridian Medical center Donholm through; 0719802241

Meridian Hospital Donholm Address

Business Centre, Upper Savanna, Outer Ring Rd, Nairobi.

Meridian Hospital Donholm Location

The hospital is located at business centre in upper savanna along Outer Ring Road.

4. Meridian Hospital Thika

Meridian Hospital Thika Contacts

Phone: 0709572042

Meridian Hospital Thika Address

Ground Floor, Thika Arcade, Kenyatta Avenue, Thika.

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Meridian Hospital Thika Location

Located in Thika Arcade

5. Meridian Hospital Buruburu

Meridian Hospital Buruburu Contacts

Landline: 0202451654

Meridian Hospital Buruburu Address

Harambee Mumias South Rd, BuruBuru Business Complex, Nairobi.

Meridian Hospital Buruburu Location

The Hospital is located along Harambee Mumias south road Buruburu in Nairobi County.


Meridian Hospital maternity charges are affordable. Besides, the hospital offers a wide range of services for the wellbeing of the whole society at large. Now since you know where to visit when you are sick, don’t suffer with your condition anymore. I highly recommend you to visit the hospital for assistance.