Avenue Hospital Parklands Contacts

Avenue Hospital
Avenue Hospital

Free guide about Avenue Hospital Parklands Maternity Charges and package, consultation and admission fees, location, contacts, address, Avenue Hospital branches and many more. 

Avenue Hospital, Parklands, Nairobi, is one of the best level four private medical facility that offers maternity services in Kenya. The hospital is highly equipped with facilities as well as medical personnel ready to handle a wide range of issues including maternity clients, newborns, and any other medical needs.

Phone 1: 0711 060 100

Phone 2: 0732 175 100

Phone 3: 0732 175 000

Email: info@avenuehealthcare.com

Avenue Hospital Parklands Location

Avenue Hospital in Parkland Kenya is located along 1st Parklands Avenue, Nairobi Kenya

Avenue Hospital Parklands Address

Avenue Hospital Postal Address is

1st  Parklands Avenue

 PO Box 35534 00200

 Avenue Hospital Consultation Fees

All Avenue Hospital branches consultation fee is Ksh. 1550 per single visit.

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