How To Check KPLC Reference Number


When you need to locate your KPLC reference number for various purposes, the KPLC self-service portal provides a convenient solution. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check your KPLC reference number:

  1. Access the KPLC Self-Service Portal: Visit the KPLC self-service portal through your web browser.
  2. Log in to Your Account: Sign in to your KPLC self-service account using your registered credentials.
  3. Navigate to Application Details: Once logged in, you’ll be directed to the main window displaying a list of all your KPLC accounts.
  4. Find the Reference Number: Look for the ‘New Applications’ link located on the right side of the window. Click on it to view a list of all your current applications.
  5. Locate the Reference Column: In the displayed list, locate the reference number associated with your application. It will be found in the 2nd column labelled ‘Reference’.

By following these straightforward steps, you can quickly locate your KPLC reference number, allowing you to proceed with your KPLC applications or address any related inquiries with ease

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