How to Apply for TSC Promotion: A Step-by-Step Guide


Applying for a promotion with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Kenya is an essential step for educators aspiring to advance their careers. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of the process to ensure a smooth application experience.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Apply for TSC Promotion:

Step 1: Eligibility Check:

  • Review the TSC promotion criteria to ensure you meet the required qualifications, years of service, and other prerequisites for the desired promotion level.

Step 2: Gather Documents:

  • Collect all necessary documents, including academic certificates, transcripts, TSC certificate, performance appraisals, and any other supporting materials.

Step 3: Visit TSC Portal:

  • Access the official TSC website ( and navigate to the “Online Services” section.

Step 4: Log in or Register:

  • Log in to your existing TSC account or create a new account if you don’t have one.

Step 5: Select Promotion Section:

  • Once logged in, go to the “My TSC” menu and select the “Promotions” option.

Step 6: Fill in Application Form:

  • Choose the promotion category you’re applying for and complete the application form. Provide accurate personal information and attach scanned copies of your documents.

Step 7: Application Fee:

  • Depending on the promotion, you might need to pay an application fee. Follow the provided payment instructions.

Step 8: Submit Application:

  • Review your application to ensure all details are correct. Submit the application electronically.

Step 9: Confirmation Email:

  • You’ll receive a confirmation email acknowledging the receipt of your application. Keep this email for future reference.

Step 10: Shortlisting Process:

  • TSC will review all applications and shortlist candidates who meet the criteria for further assessment.
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Step 11: Interviews and Assessment:

  • If shortlisted, you’ll be invited for an interview or assessment. Prepare thoroughly by revisiting your achievements and reviewing teaching methodologies.

Step 12: Wait for Communication:

  • After interviews, wait for TSC’s communication regarding the outcome of your application.

Step 13: Notification of Outcome:

  • If successful, you’ll receive a letter of promotion indicating the effective date and other relevant details.

Step 14: Acceptance and Reporting:

  • Accept the promotion offer by signing and returning the acceptance letter. Follow instructions for reporting to your new posting.


Applying for a TSC promotion requires careful attention to detail and thorough documentation. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the process and increase your chances of securing a promotion that aligns with your career goals.