List of Level 5 Hospitals in Kenya with Maternity Charges

Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital
Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital

Level 5 health facilities provides a variety of medical services as well as training and internships for diverse groups of health workers. Aside from coordinating administration and providing health assistance to the sub-counties, they also perform specialized care duties.

Clinical services in Kenya are divided into six competence levels, ranging from level 1 to level 6, with Level 1 caring for the simplest patients and Level 6 caring for the most difficult. The majority of Level 5 hospitals serve as a point of referral for complicated conditions from Level 4 hospitals (District Hospitals).

Level 5 Hospital Maternity Charges

Level 4 and 5 public hospitals charged between KES 3000 and 6000 (US$30–60) for caesarean sections, while level 1–5 public facilities would charge patients between KES 700 and 2500 (US$7–25) for a normal delivery.

In most facilities if you have NHIF cover or LINDA Mama the delivery services are free.

Patients on average were charged KES 150 (US$1.5) for ANC and PNC services in public facilities.

In 2004, there was an introduction of the 10/20 policy where user fees were abolished at the primary level and a registration fee of KES 10 and 20 (US$ 0.1 and 0.2) was levied in public dispensaries and health centers.

Services for children under 5 years as well as those with special conditions such as malaria and tuberculosis were exempted from payment.

In 2004, the 10/20 policy was implemented, which abolished user fees at the primary level and imposed a registration fee of KES 10 and 20 (US$ 0.1 and 0.2) in public dispensaries and health centers.

Services for children under the age of 5 years and those with special conditions such as malaria and tuberculosis exempted from payment.

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List Of Level 5 Hospitals In Kenya

1. Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital

2. Nyeri Level 5 Hospital

3. Machakos Level 5 Hospital

4. Meru Level 5 Hospital

5. Thika Level 5 Hospital

6. Kakamega Level 5 Hospital

7. Garissa Level 5 Hospital

8. Coast General Hospital Level 5

9. Othaya Level 5 hospital

10. Embu Level 5 Hospital

11. Kisumu Level 5 Hospital

12. Nakuru Level 5 Hospital

13. Kiambu Level 5 Hospital

14. Murang’a Level 5 Hospital

15. AIC Cure International Hospital

16. AIC Kapsowar Hospital

17. AIC Kijabe Hospital

18. AIC Litein Mission Hospital

19. Baringo County Referral Hospital

20. Chiromo Hospital Group – Muthangari

21. Consolata Hospital Nkubu

22. Coptic Hospital

23. Diani Beach Hospital

24. Friends Church Sabatia Eye Hospital

25. Garissa County Referral Hospital