How To Quickly Unblock Tala Account


To unblock Tala Account, follow the below process;

Preparing Selfies

There are three photos to take; Front of ID photo, back of ID photo and your face photo.

  1. Place your ID on a flat surface with an opaque or dark background- the place should be well light up.
  2. Take a close up photo of the front part of the ID.
  3. Turn it to show the back face of the ID and take another photo.
  4. Now take a close up photo of your face – preferably stand close to a wall.

Submitting Selfies

Those Selfies must reach Tala for the appropriate steps to commence. You can read how to contact Tala.

  • I f you want to send them to Tala on Facebook, then go to and write the account unblocking request, including your Facebook name and Tala account number(your phone number).Attach the three photos and send.
  • If you want to send the Selfies through email to Tala ,then write the unblocking request and tala account number.Attach the three Selfies and send to
  • If you wish to use twitter to request unblocking your Tala account, send a direct message(DM) with the three Selfies as attachments to 

Note that you can’t use the in-app chat to ask for unblocking your Tala loan app because before you are able to do anything, your must log in.

Why Tala Asks For Selfies.

Its for account security purposes. Selfies reveal the true owner of the account. Next time you block your Tala app,a selfie will make Tala attendants to quickly unblock your account without asking too many security questions.
Am glad you are updated. 

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