How to measure distance on Google Maps


To measure distance on Google Maps, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Google Maps in your web browser or open the Google Maps app on your phone.
  2. Search for a location or click and hold to drop a pin at a specific spot on the map.
  3. Click on the “Directions” button in the top left corner of the screen.
  4. Click on the “Walk” or “Drive” button to select your mode of transportation.
  5. Click on the map to place a starting point for your route.
  6. Click on a second location on the map to place an endpoint for your route.
  7. The distance between the two points will be displayed in the left panel, under the “Distance” heading.

You can also measure the distance between multiple points on the map by clicking on the “Add destination” button and placing additional pins on the map. The total distance of your route will be displayed at the top of the left panel.

Note: The accuracy of the distance measurement may vary depending on the availability of map data in your area.

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