Nairobi National Park Entry Fee

Nairobi National Park
Nairobi National Park

Nairobi National Part is located at the heart of Nairobi.The entry fee varies depending on age and citizenship.Adult Kenyan citizens pay Ksh400 each while children pay Ksh200 each.Non-residents pay US$ 35 each and children US$20 each.

Below is a table showing full details of entry fee:

Nairobi National ParkCitizenResidentNon-Resident
Adults KSHChild KSHAdults KSHChild KSHAdults USDChild USD

The best times to visit Nairobi National Park is during morning or evening hours especially when the sun is not much.From 6 am to 10 am animals are scattered and it’s easy to spot them.From 4 pm to 7 pm,you’ll also be able to see most of them.

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