How To Check HELB Loan Disbursement Status


How To Check HELB Loan Disbursement Status. Have you applied for HELB Loan this year? Have you received your HELB loan?Many students are now Smilling after Helb made a big disbursement of funds recently as schools open. To find out if your loan application was successful approved and loan disbursement was made follow the following guidelines:

  1. Visit HELB website 
  2. Click on “loan status” 
  3. Click on “Disbursement”  a form indicating your loan disbursement status will appear
  4. You can check amount awarded and date disbursed

You can also check your loan disbursement status through your bank account that you used during first time registration.

Alternatively, you can check Your HELB loan disbursement status through the HELB USSD code: *642#
On your feature phone dial*642#
Select login option
Choose loan application and disbursement
Select loan disbursement

You will receive an SMS concerning your loan disbursement status.

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