KPLC Customer Care Contacts | Kenya Power Customer Care Contacts


We have all searched for the Kplc Customer care number in darkness at some point. Today just happens to be your day.

Whether you want to check your monthly Kenya Power and Lighting Company Bill, want to report a power outage, or simply query your bill, you might want to contact KPLC Customer Care at one point or another.

The company’s social media presence eases the relationship between the company and its customers. It has never been easier to have your questions and queries answered.

If you would like to contact Kenya Power Customer care, here are the KPLC Customer Care contacts:

KPLC Phone Contacts


0711 031 000
Or send an email to

Kenya Power and Lighting Company Website

Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) Facebook Contacts
You can reach them though their Facebook page by following this link.

KPLC Customer Care Contacts
Another way of contacting  KPLC customer care is by sending a tweet through their twitter handle @KenyaPower_Care

Stima Plaza
Kolobot Road, Parklands
Nairobi Municipality

I have paid but have not received the KPLC Tokens Message

In case you have paid but are yet to receive your token number – which happens a lot more than it needs to- you can use a code to get your latest token in a minute. No more calling or desperately trying to reach the service provider through their social media profiles.

Simply dial *799# and follow the prompts.

The step by step process of recovering the KPLC tokens are in this post.

ALSO READ;  How to Check KPLC Token Balance Online