One can deposit money into ABSA Bank account via Mpesa at any given time. To make the deposit from Mpesa to ABSA Bank account it’s crucial that you know ABSA Bank Paybill number which is 303030.

Commercial bank in Kenya and a division of Absa Group Limited, based in South Africa, is Absa Bank Kenya Plc, formerly Barclays Bank Kenya Limited. The Central Bank of Kenya, the country’s main bank and national financial regulator, has granted it a license.

ABSA bank was formerly know as Barclays Bank.When the name was changed ABSA retained Barclays Bank Paybill Number 303030.

How to send Money From Mpesa to ABSA Bank.

  1. Open your Mpesa Menu then select Lipa na Mpesa
  2. Choose Paybill Option
  3. Enter Business Number as 303030 (303030 is ABSA Bank Paybill Number)
  4. For the Account Number enter ABSA Bank account number where you want the money deposited.
  5. Enter the amount you want to send to ABSA Bank.
  6. Enter your Mpesa pin and Confirm the transaction
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