Your Guide to Checking Form One Placement in Kenya


Kenya’s Form One placement process is a crucial step in a student’s educational journey. Here’s a guide on how to check Form One placement to ensure your child transitions smoothly into secondary school.

Checking Form One Placement Online:

  1. Visit the Official KNEC Website: Go to the official Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) website. The URL is typically
  2. Navigate to the Form One Selection Portal: Look for a section related to Form One Selection or Placement on the website’s main page.
  3. Enter Required Details: Input the necessary details, which may include the candidate’s index number and other personal information. Be sure to have this information readily available.
  4. Submit Your Request: After entering the required details, submit your request for Form One placement.
  5. Check Placement Status: Once you submit your request, the system will process the information, and you’ll be able to check the placement status. The portal usually provides clear indications of whether the student has been placed and, if so, the school of placement.

Checking Form One Placement via SMS:

  1. Compose a New SMS: On your mobile phone, create a new SMS.
  2. Enter the Candidate’s Index Number: In the message body, enter the candidate’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) index number.
  3. Send the SMS to 22263: Send the SMS to the official shortcode provided by the Ministry of Education, which is 22263.
  4. Receive Placement Information: After sending the SMS, you should receive a response indicating the Form One placement details.

Important Notes:

  • Ensure that you have a stable internet connection if you choose to check online.
  • Double-check the accuracy of the candidate’s index number to avoid errors.
  • If you encounter any issues or have questions, consider reaching out to the Ministry of Education or relevant educational authorities for assistance.
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Conclusion: Checking Form One placement is a crucial step for both parents and students. By following these steps, you can stay informed and prepared for the next phase of your child’s education.