Step-by-Step Guide: How to Check Facebook Points


Facebook Points is a rewards program that allows you to earn points by participating in various activities on the Facebook platform. These points can then be redeemed for in-app items or other rewards. In this guide, we’ll show you how to check your Facebook Points balance and keep track of your rewards.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Check Facebook Points

Step 1: Open Facebook App

  1. Launch App: Open the Facebook app on your mobile device. Make sure you are logged into your Facebook account.

Step 2: Navigate to Facebook Points

  1. Access Menu: Tap on the menu icon (usually represented by three horizontal lines) located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Points: From the menu, select the “Points” option. This will take you to the Facebook Points section.

Step 3: Check Your Points Balance

  1. View Balance: In the Facebook Points section, you will see your current points balance displayed prominently.

Step 4: Explore Rewards

  1. Browse Rewards: You can explore the available rewards and items that you can redeem using your accumulated points. These rewards may include in-app items, virtual goods, or special offers.

Step 5: Redeem Points (Optional)

  1. Redeem Rewards: If you find a reward you’d like to claim, follow the prompts to redeem your points for that specific reward.

Step 6: Earn More Points (Optional)

  1. Earn Points: To earn more Facebook Points, engage in activities such as participating in surveys, shopping from eligible merchants, or completing other tasks specified by Facebook.


Checking your Facebook Points balance is a simple process that can be done through the Facebook app. By following these steps, you can easily track your accumulated points and explore the available rewards. Keep in mind that the rewards and activities may vary based on your location and the current offerings by Facebook.

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