How to Buy Telkom Airtime from M-Pesa: A Quick Guide


Recharging your Telkom airtime using M-Pesa is a convenient way to stay connected. Whether you’re on the go or need to recharge your Telkom line quickly, this guide will walk you through the process of buying Telkom airtime using M-Pesa in Kenya.

Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Telkom Airtime from M-Pesa:

  1. Access the M-Pesa Menu:
    • On your mobile phone, open the M-Pesa menu. You can access it by dialing *150#.
  2. Select “Buy Airtime”:
    • From the M-Pesa menu, choose the option for “Buy Airtime.” This will take you to the airtime purchase section.
  3. Choose “Other”:
    • In the airtime purchase section, select the “Other” option. This allows you to buy airtime for networks other than Safaricom.
  4. Enter Telkom Number:
    • Input the Telkom mobile number you want to top up with airtime.
  5. Enter Amount:
    • Enter the amount of airtime you want to purchase for the Telkom line.
  6. Confirm and Pay:
    • Review the details to ensure accuracy, then confirm the transaction.
  7. Enter M-Pesa PIN:
    • You’ll be prompted to enter your M-Pesa PIN to authorize the payment.
  8. Confirmation and Airtime Recharge:
    • Once the transaction is successful, you’ll receive a confirmation SMS from M-Pesa and a notification from Telkom confirming the airtime top-up on your Telkom line.

Important Tips:

  1. Check Telkom Number: Double-check the Telkom mobile number you’re topping up to ensure it’s accurate.
  2. Sufficient M-Pesa Balance: Make sure you have enough funds in your M-Pesa account to cover the airtime purchase.
  3. Network Availability: The ability to purchase Telkom airtime from M-Pesa is subject to network availability and partnership between M-Pesa and Telkom.
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Buying Telkom airtime from M-Pesa is a quick and straightforward process. By following our step-by-step guide, you can conveniently top up your Telkom line using M-Pesa, ensuring that you stay connected without any hassle. Always ensure the accuracy of the Telkom number and have sufficient M-Pesa funds before confirming the transaction.