IEK Registration – Membership Portal, Requirements, Contacts


Those who are interested in IEK Membership must complete the registration process. The good news is that now you may fill in the online registration form. Also, the offline mode is still active, where you need to submit the application form manually.

In this article, you will learn about Registration in the Institution of Engineers of Kenya. Find out the membership requirements, an Application fee to be given, and more.

IEK Kenya Membership

The membership provides significant advantages. These are:

  • Enhanced professional Status
  • Exposure to the network of professional conferences and similar events
  • Career development with access to the library, information and knowledge resources
  • Members become eligible for appointment to the KENHA, KURA and KERRA boards.

About the Institution of Engineers of kenya

The Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK) is a professional organization for engineers in Kenya. It was established in 1945 and has since been dedicated to promoting engineering development in the country. The IEK provides a platform for engineers to network, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. It also advocates for the interests of engineers and promotes the highest standards of professionalism in the field.

The IEK offers different membership types which are The membership types are – Graduate Member, Technologist Member,Technician Member,Student Member, Graduate Engineering Technician Member,Graduate Engineering Graduate Technologist Member, Fellow Member, Associate Member, Corporate Member

The IEK promotes engineering careers to young people. It collaborates with universities and colleges to ensure high-quality engineering education fulfilling industrial needs. The IEK encourages its members to innovate and research new technologies and solutions.

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Overall, the IEK is a vital organization for engineers in Kenya. It provides a platform for professional development, networking, and advocacy and is essential in promoting the country’s engineering development.

IEK Membership Types

The Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK) offers membership to engineering graduates from recognized universities and colleges.

There are different classes of membership, each with its own requirements based on the applicant’s qualifications and experience. Here are some critical points about IEK membership:

  • Fellow membership is for experienced engineers who have significantly contributed to the profession.
  • Associate membership is for engineers with a higher national diploma or equivalent.
  • Corporate membership is for engineers employed in the private or public sector.
  • Companion membership is for individuals who are not engineers but interested in the field.
  • Graduate membership is for recent engineering graduates.
  • Student membership is for students who are studying engineering.

IEK membership provides various benefits, including access to professional development opportunities, networking events, and resources. Members can also participate in committees and working groups, which provide opportunities to contribute to the profession’s development. IEK membership marks professionalism and demonstrates a commitment to the highest engineering practice standards.

In summary, IEK membership is open to engineering graduates and offers a range of benefits and opportunities for professional development and networking. There are different classes of membership, each with its own requirements, and membership is a mark of professionalism and commitment to the engineering profession.