How to Dispute a Wrong Listing on CRB

TransUnion Nipashe App
Transunion Africa

This is how to Dispute a Wrong Listing on CRB

  1. Contact the CRB which you got the report from creditinfo, Metropol, or Transunion informing them of the error.
  2. The CRB will then issue you, the borrower, with a form in which you can highlight the wrong information.
  3. The CRB will then contact the lending institution that provided the information to confirm how accurate it is.
  4. From here, the lending institution will be required to investigate the complaint of erroneous information.
  5. The Lending institution has fourteen (14) days to investigate and respond to your claims by;
    1. Confirming the information is correct and thus remain as is;
    2. Confirming the information is incorrect (erroneous ) and hence should be deleted; or
    3. Confirming the information is not up-to-date, and send in the correct and up-to date status (information.)

So to launch a complaint about a wrongful listing, you start by filing a dispute with the bureau. The bureau gets in touch with the listing institution e.g. Tala or Branch, and submits the dispute with them. This is because they are the ones that submitted the information to the bureau. This means it’s up to them to change the information.

It takes between 24 and 48 hours for credit institutions to update an individual’s CRB status.

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